Category: Looking after your home

  • The benefits of LED lighting

    Reduce your energy use by 90% with LED lighting

    Lighting has come a long way since the incandescent bulb. New LED lighting, installed in all of our homes, save you money by using up to 90% less energy than a traditional bulb. They’re also more durable too. Drop an old lightbulb and it could easily shatter, LED’s have a much better chance of survival in such circumstances as all fragile elements have been removed.

    LED bulbs can give you around 60,000 hours of light, which is about 7 years of constant use. A traditional incandescent bulb will only give you 1,500 hours.

  • Breathe life into your home

    We asked Sophie from One Ten Zero Seven (a Yorkshire lass who writes about about style, travel and much more) to give her advice on how to create inspiring home interiors. We know a thing or two about this ourselves (or we like to think so), but we all have a style and it’s good to get a different point of view.

    Travel is a big part of Sophie’s life and this is reflected in her home. She fills each room with memories to bring each destination into her everyday. It’s the experiences in life you remember, reminding yourself of these experiences through the design of your home is a sure fire way to put a spring in your step each morning.

    Want to read Sophie’s tips? You can read her post here.

  • The benefits of underfloor heating

    We have been installing underfloor heating for quite a few years now. We like it for many reasons:

    • Underfloor heating gives our customers design freedom. It’s harder than you may think to plan for radiators in the living area of a home. Furniture placement is very much a personal choice and we might end up putting a radiator in a place that is not right for you (however if caught early enough we can often move them on request). Underfloor heating allows total design freedom so the space can be adapted to suit your needs without restriction.
    • Energy experts recommend underfloor heating as it is efficient. It operates at a lower overall temperature than your traditional radiator and therefore requires a lower temperature rise from the boiler. A lower temperature is required due to even coverage throughout the floor.
    • Compared to traditional radiators, it is virtually silent.
    • Finally, evenly spread heating (radiant heat) means toasty toes when walking on tiled or wood floors!

    Find underfloor heating in the main living floor on all our homes at Kearns Village, Cowpe and in our larger homes at Elsey Croft, Skipton.

    Convection vs radiant heat

  • Aluminium Windows by Velfac

    IMG_7041At Kearns Village, Cowpe, Rossendale and Harwal Waterside in Silsden

    At Kearns Village and Harwal Waterside, in order to keep both site’s industrial past alive, we have had to get quite creative with the windows. We’ve thus chosen aluminium windows in order to recreate the detailed facade of the mill building.

    Velfac are known for their minimalist design and are highly regarded within the industry. They have a long life span and are practically maintenance free. If you maintain the hinges and handle once a year Velfac state that the sash will not need painting or replacing during its lifetime, which they estimate is between 40 and 50 years!

    What’s more, Velfac develop their own ironmongery and thus have quality control of the entire product. Secure ironmongery means three things: safety, strength and durability. Their restrictors and locking systems are also tested for child safety to Scandinavian standards.

    Technical specification aside, we love the design. The aluminium frame is polyester powder coated, a surface very similar to the paint on your car. Their sleek design blends perfectly with the natural stone and surrounding scenery, creating facades that are simple yet beautiful.

    We hope you love them as much as we do…

  • Our Alarms – Keeping you safe and sound

    Family-sleeping-1024x712Our Alarms

    We realise security is a priority for all of our home owners, which is why all our alarms from this day forward will be zoned so that you are able to alarm the ground floor when you go to bed.

    This will mean you will have two settings. The standard day setting where you will be able to alarm the whole house when you go out for the day or go away on holiday and a night setting as we have described above. We’ll show you how to use both settings on handover……

    🙂 Enabling the whole family to sleep soundly ….

  • Karndean flooring – those finishing touches

    You’ll find a selection of Karndean flooring to choose from as an extra at Falcon Park in Settle

    We’ve chosen to install the ‘Lime Washed Oak’ in our Show Home to the entire area of the ground floor, excluding the snug/study, to give the living area of the house a modern, light feel (tip – lay it horizontally to give an increased feeling of space).

    An additional benefit of this is that it makes your flooring a lot easier to maintain – any spillage can be easily mopped up! Worried about it feeling cold? Add a large rug to the living room like we’ll be doing.

    Karndean Flooring. Lime Washed Oak
    Karndean – Lime Washed Oak

    The benefits of Karndean

    • Karndean is a lot more hard wearing, easier to install and maintain than a wood floor
    • All the features of a wood or marble floor – each and every Karndean tile has its own individual character. It will not look uniform and thus will be able to quite closely mimic a natural floor
    • Your Karndean flooring comes with a 12 year guarantee
    • In the unlikely event of any damage a tile can be replaced easily at little cost. This is its benefit over a vinyl where the whole floor would have to be replaced

    Talk to our Sales Advisor about the choices available. There’s a good selection of swatches – dark/mid/light woods and stone effect – that you will be able to browse in our Sales Centre when you visit the development.

    For more information on our homes available at Falcon Park in Settle, North Yorkshire click here.





    The benefits of Karndean?