1 – Have a Spring clean!
As the winter months may have left it in disarray with fallen leaves and debris. Don a pair of gloves, grab a rake from the shed, and tidy up your garden before moving on to other tasks.
2 – Out with the old
To increase the likelihood of blooming again this summer, it’s essential to trim the plants from last year that have survived the winter.
So what does our move-in ‘essential guide’ inform us on pruning?
Spring pruning (before flowering)
- If your plant’s flower is deciduous from July- October, then you can prune these plants in spring. Food reserves from the roots will soon send out new shoots that tend to flower at the ends of the new growth.
- Prune last year’s growth to just two or three buds above healthy, thick stems to provide a good framework for new growth.
- If your plants flower from November – June and are deciduous, then you can prune
these plants immediately after flowering. This will remove much of the food reserves
in the green leaves and prevent the strong and flowerless growth you would get
from spring pruning. Flower buds are not formed on the new growth but on existing
Summer pruning (after flowering)
- Prune flowered stems back to a strong upright shoot as low as possible. Older
branches which flower weakly are best removed. Remove one stem in three, e.g., a
shrub with five stems would have the two largest and oldest shoots removed down to
25-45cm (10-18in) above the soil
3 – In with the new
After tidying up your existing plants and shrubs, it’s time to introduce some new ones. During this season, consider adding plants like pansies or tulips to add a vibrant burst of colour to your spring garden
4 – Be a cut above the rest
It’s crucial to tidy up the lawn; to achieve this, you must ensure that your lawn mower is a cut above the rest! Have it serviced and the blades sharpened to ensure a clean cut, which will help your grass to grow healthily
Here’s a little more from our Essential Guide on mowing your lawn ~
As you know, mowing itself is relatively straight forward! It is the mowing height that
can cause problems. Follow these tips to get the correct height:
- Set the cutting height to the highest setting for the first mowing in spring or after allowing the grass to grow long. Thereafter, gradually reduce the height of the cut until the desired height is reached. This will be 6-13mm (¼-½in) for fine lawns. For ordinary ornamental lawns, this will be 13-25mm (½-1in) in summer and up to 40mm (1½in) in spring and autumn.
- Avoid excessively close mowing, as although attractive, it can weaken the grass, encouraging shallow rooting and making the lawn more susceptible to drought, weeds and moss. Close-mown lawns need more frequent feeding and watering. Extremely low cutting may scalp the lawn, leaving bare patches where bumps or tree roots are protruding above the surface.
- On the other hand, lawns regularly cut too high can suffer from loose, weak growth that is less durable as a surface.
- If you are unsure of what height to use, the general guideline is never to remove more than one-third of the leaf shoots in any mow.
And finally, here’s a little advice on how to care for your new lawn, again from our own handy essential guide ~
- After laying a turf lawn, avoiding using it for 3-4 weeks is important. The exact duration may vary depending on factors such as weather, time of year, and root establishment. During the first few weeks, taking good care of the lawn is crucial. Doing so will reward you with a healthy and vibrant lawn in the coming months and years.
- Newly laid lawns can be fed like established lawns. They need regular watering, but should not be over-watered, as this may result in shallow rooting and poor establishment.
- Frequent watering may be necessary in dry weather to keep the new turf constantly moist. During dry periods in mid-to-late summer, water every five to 10 days. In other seasons water during dry periods every 14 days.
- Be careful not to over-water, as this can lead to shallow rooting and encourages the weed grass, and annual meadow grass.
- Mow with the blades set high as soon as the grass has grown to about 5cm (2in)
5 – Get planning!
With summer just around the corner, you may ponder what to do with your garden. It’s worth noting that putting in a little extra effort now can reap significant rewards in the long run!
We hope to have shared some valuable insights on spring gardening that will prove useful for you. As the first day of spring marks the beginning of the season, it presents the perfect opportunity to start planning and preparing your garden for a flourishing harvest. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, there’s always something new to learn and explore in the world of gardening. So, let’s embrace the new season and enjoy the joy and beauty of gardening! Happy first day of spring to everyone!
Featured below is a snapshot of stunning outdoor spaces that our expert team have crafted for us in the past.