
The Hughes

The Hughes KitchenOpen plan living at Elsey Croft, Skipton

We love an open plan home. We think it brings the family together.

The Hughes home, a four bedroom home at Elsey Croft, Skipton, doesn’t disappoint. It was designed with this in mind.

It features a beautiful island kitchen which can be styled just the way you want it – choose from a large range of kitchen doors and granite or quartz to create a look that’s you.

We have three Hughes homes remaining at Elsey Croft, Skipton, but the next to be built will be plot 58, which is priced at £409,950.

So if you’re looking for a new home in Skipton with a living space that brings the family together the Hughes could be for you.

For more information, including the floor plan and full specification, please click here or call our Sales Advisors by calling 01756 630517 or emailing them here.