New Homes Reimagined
Selling Land in Yorkshire & Lancashire
We’re always on the look out for opportunities to bring our high quality homes to new communities
We buy land! At Skipton Properties we are professional property developers who alongside our current luxury developments, are always seeking new land to buy in and around the Skipton and Cross Hills area.
If you are looking to sell a piece of land or have a general enquiry regarding the land, with or without planning permission and within 30 miles of our Head Office in Cross Hills, we’d love to hear from you.
The land in question should accommodate anything from a minimum of 10 up to a maximum of 150 homes. We will consider all opportunities, including those where the land has outline or full planning permission, has permission in the pipeline or is without planning permission, but is featured in the area’s local development plan.
Kick off your stress-free land selling journey by getting in touch with our experienced and helpful team now.
Key things we need in order to consider a piece of land:
For land with outline or full planning permission, or permission in the pipeline:
- Land registry map
- All relevant planning documents, or a planning portal link to this information
- Expected guide price
- Any supporting information, including photography
For land without planning permission:
- Architects’ drawings
- Topographical information
- Expected guide price
- Any supporting information, including photography
Why partner with us?
At Skipton Properties our homes embody our core values: excellence, creativity, family and heart.

We are a multi award winning developer with more than thirty-six years’ experience. Our company was established by a father and is now run by his two daughters, so family is at the heart of our company and the homes we create; and we’re local, so it’s important to us to build homes that enhance the area. We create distinctive homes with traditional elevations, a quality finish and beautiful landscaping.
We’re house builder of the year! We recently won “Best UK House of Builder of the Year – over 35 units” at the Construction Excellence Awards by the National Federation of Builders. The award recognises individual and team excellence and identifies companies that set gold standard in the construction sector.
At the LABC Awards, The Rise in Harden recently won “Best medium volume new housing development”.The LABC specifically looked for the challenges we were faced with in meeting or exceeding building regulations, outstanding craftmanship, innovation and sustainability.
It is our mission to create homes that are sympathetically designed and woven into their natural surroundings, but also energy efficient and sustainable. We approach each development differently, carefully adjusting our specifications to make the most of each unique site. Our homes embody our values and to date we’ve built houses for more than 3,500 families.
Example of recent successful schemes
The Rise, Harden (Bradford Council)
Residential development of 28 dwellings.
A green field site in a sensitive landscape and in proximity to mature trees and historic woodland. The site had challenging levels and heritage issues arising from the setting of a Listed Building.
The site had an Outline approval and Skipton Properties progressed a Reserved Matters Application.
Skipton Properties undertook community consultation in the form of a ‘drop-in’ event and worked proactively with the Council’s officer team to resolve complex technical and design issues resulting from the challenging site levels. The scheme provides for a mix of house types and sizes – all have been constructed in high quality materials respectful of the high-quality environment in Harden.
Development completed 2020. An LABC award winning site.

Ebor Mills, Haworth (Bradford Council)
Conversion and refurbishment of Ebor Mills into 14 dwellings, construction of 24 new dwellings within the curtilage of the site, landscaping, biodiversity and environmental enhancements, highway and footway improvements to Ebor Lane and demolition of the weaving sheds and partial demolition and reconstruction of the boiler house.
A former mill site with complex constraints including listed buildings, flood risk, heritage, ecology, levels, difficult ground conditions and trees.
The process included community consultation. We engaged early with the Planning Department through a formal pre-application process which included several design ‘workshops’. The result of collaborative working was a fully worked up scheme that was supported by planning and Historic England.
Innovative Solutions:
This scheme demonstrates Skipton Properties approach to high quality innovative solutions including the sensitive treatment of Listed Buildings. The proximity to a main river raised challenging issues with the Environment Agency that were resolved through innovative flood risk mitigation measures.
The development is still under construction.

Victoria Fold, Sabden (Ribble Valley Council)
Redevelopment of former mill site to 30 new homes.
A former mill site with complex constraints including flood risk, heritage, ecology and trees. Previous developers and landowners had made several unsuccessful attempts at gaining planning permission. The site was derelict and in a dangerous condition when Skipton Properties acquired in 2017.
The process included extensive community consultation. Skipton Properties actively engaged with the local community through early meetings with the Parish Council and a consultation drop-in event. Skipton Properties developed a strong working relationship with the Parish Council which resulted in their support for the planning application. Skipton Properties also engaged early with the Planning Department through a formal pre-application process which included several design ‘workshops’.
Innovative Solutions:
This scheme demonstrates Skipton Properties approach to high quality innovative solutions including the re- construction of part of a Mill chimney as an ecology tower, the re-construction of one building as a heritage asset, and the opening of a culvert as a design, drainage and flood management feature.
Planning Permission granted September 2018. Construction complete 2020.