
Moving home with your pet

Dog Moving Home

We’ve teamed up with Kingsway Vets in Skipton to give our new homeowners some advice on moving home with their pets. 

Bob Pettit of Kingsway gives his top tips…

Moving house is a stressful time for everyone including your four legged friends, but responsible pet owners can take steps to help their companions cope. Your pets don’t have the benefit of understanding why it’s happening so the disruption is even more distressing for them as everything that is familiar gets packed up in the old home. Routine tends to go out of the window and everything your pet is used to in life suddenly changes.

Consider sending your dog or cat to family, friends or a boarding kennel whilst you make the move. This has the advantage of keeping your pet safe, stress free and away from the commotion, allowing you to pack, unpack and get settled. Once you are in, and a few boxes are unpacked, it will give you more time to spend precious time with your pet and begin to help them settle into their new pad.

Alternatively, on arrival at your new house, ensure your dog or cat is somewhere secure until you have one room ready that you can put them in safely. Put their familiar belongings in the room such as their bed, favourite toys and a food and water bowls. Keep the doors and windows of the room closed, so they can’t escape, and put a sign on the door to remind and prevent anyone inadvertently letting your pet out by mistake. Once you have all your belongings moved in, and the house is a little bit more like home, you can let your dog outside to explore their new habitat. Ensure your garden is secure and stay close to them.