
Raising £30,975 for RMCH – what it means to us

The finale!On the 25th June we walked the Yorkshire Three Peaks

We walked for Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. So far we have raised a whopping £30,975!!!

It’s a gruelling walk. We accept there are harder walks out there but we had never done anything like this before so it was a great achievement.

We thought you’d like to hear from some of our team on what the walk meant to them.

‘Walking (at the end.. staggering) the three peaks was something I always fancied doing. when we decided to do the walk for the hospital it seemed too good an opportunity to miss. It was a hard walk but having the weather on our side helped. Heaven knows how they manage to run the 3 peaks in under 4 hrs?’
Alan, Site Manager. He has been with the company for over 20 years

‘I enjoyed the walk so much I thought it only fitting to end it with a dramatic finale…. collapsing at the pub!’
Boyd, Quantity Surveyor

‘Part way through the walk I was struggling, but I said to myself that my struggle is nothing compared to what struggles the children at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital go through and with that thought in my head I completed the 3 peaks.’
Derek, friendly accountant!

I’m really glad I took part in the Yorkshire three peaks challenge, I totally underestimated how tough it was going to be so it was a great achievement to get to the end! Thank you to everyone who sponsored us, the money raised is for a great cause.
Oliver, Architectural Technician

And last but not least, a quote from Dawn who lost her niece last year. Her niece was treated at the hospital.

‘I am so happy to have taken part in the Three Peaks challenge. We had an amazing day and really pulled together as a team to support each other when it got tough. When I was struggling, I just kept thinking about my niece and that spurred me on to the end. I feel a huge sense of achievement and I am proud to have walked it with such a great bunch of people!’
Dawn, superwoman/office manager and PA to the MD and Chairman

THANK YOU again to all of those that supported us. We can’t begin to describe what it means to us to raise so much money for such a good cause.