The government has announced a cut to stamp duty, the tax paid when people buy a property in England
The threshold at which the tax falls due has been raised to £250,000 from its current £125,000 level
Meanwhile, the threshold for first-time buyers has been increased from £300,000 to £425,000
So how much could you save? For example, if you buy The Hawthorn at The Alders (which is really taking shape by the way, and can we add, has a great sized garage, a huge garden and plenty of storage) with the new rules you’ll be saving a total of £2,500 and for first time buyers, a whopping £4,250!
You can make HUGE savings across all of our available homes in Silsden, Haworth and Skipton. Has there ever been a better time to buy new?
Use the stamp calculator below to find out how much you could save