
The LABC Site Manager Awards

The LABC Awards. It’s the taking part that counts…  🙂

We’re extremely pleased to announce that two of our Site Managers were highly commended at the LABC Awards last week.

What are the LABC Site Manager Awards?

The Site Manager Awards recognises and rewards site managers working with LABC Warranty who achieve excellence in construction, and in doing so, demonstrate exceptional site management and workmanship. As these awards have developed, LABC Warranty has seen build standards improve, despite challenges facing the construction industry, and is delighted with the standard of qualifiers put forward this year. With over 2000 eligible site managers at the start of the competition, it is a great achievement to have been shortlisted to the regional finals of which 15 winners are chosen.

What it means for you?

It means you can be rest assured your home is overseen by our employees who are some of the best in the industry!