New builds are leading the way in energy efficiency…
Following the rise, and further rises, of energy bills due to the ongoing crisis, owning an energy efficient home has become more important than ever.
So why swap to an energy efficient Skipton Properties home this Autumn? Not only is it reassuring to know that our new build properties can save owners hundreds of pounds a year, but each of our homes benefit from a modern, sustainable design incorporating a remarkably high level of thermal insulation and where we can, providing a further energy source in a wood burning stove, ensuring reduced energy requirements and associated running costs. Furthermore, we future proof all our homes with car charging points, in line with the recent Government pledges to increase the uptake of electric and hybrid vehicles.
No matter how cold it is outside, you’ll feel warm in a brand-new Skipton Properties home.
We are Carbon Neutral
Skipton Properties are committed to reducing the impact of our operations on the environment. We measure our impact by calculating our direct carbon emissions, aim to make reductions across our operations and invest in projects through purchasing verified carbon offsets to take responsibility for the emissions we cannot avoid now.
We already reduce our electricity consumption by operating solar panels at Head Office and we are also looking at ways we can reduce our own impact and emissions through:
- Reducing the use of red diesel through best practice in operating equipment efficiently
- Switching company cars to electric vehicles
- Identifying opportunities to invest in plant which utilises renewable fuels in future
- Switching to low energy LED lighting in head office