
Aluminium Windows by Velfac

IMG_7041At Kearns Village, Cowpe, Rossendale and Harwal Waterside in Silsden

At Kearns Village and Harwal Waterside, in order to keep both site’s industrial past alive, we have had to get quite creative with the windows. We’ve thus chosen aluminium windows in order to recreate the detailed facade of the mill building.

Velfac are known for their minimalist design and are highly regarded within the industry. They have a long life span and are practically maintenance free. If you maintain the hinges and handle once a year Velfac state that the sash will not need painting or replacing during its lifetime, which they estimate is between 40 and 50 years!

What’s more, Velfac develop their own ironmongery and thus have quality control of the entire product. Secure ironmongery means three things: safety, strength and durability. Their restrictors and locking systems are also tested for child safety to Scandinavian standards.

Technical specification aside, we love the design. The aluminium frame is polyester powder coated, a surface very similar to the paint on your car. Their sleek design blends perfectly with the natural stone and surrounding scenery, creating facades that are simple yet beautiful.

We hope you love them as much as we do…