
Yorkshire’s Fastest 50

We recently sat down with Ward Hadaway for a little bit of a grilling on who we are as a company, where we have come from, and our vision for the future. They used the information gathered alongside our company financial reports to put us into the running for the Ward Hadaway’s Fastest 50.

Today we found out that we’d made it through and are officially one of Yorkshire’s Fastest 50. The Ward Hadaway Yorkshire Fastest 50 highlights and celebrates the achievements of fast-growing, profitable companies in the region by compiling and publishing an annual list of the 50 fastest growing privately-owned businesses across Yorkshire.

Jamie Martin, Managing Partner at Ward Hadaway, said: “We congratulate Skipton Properties and every company in the Ward Hadaway Yorkshire Fastest 50 for 2017 for their achievements in making this year’s list.”

The awards ceremony will be held in Leeds on Friday 17th March where awards will be given out to highlight further achievements within the fastest 50. Wish us luck!

To read the article in the Yorkshire Post please click here.